Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shaddai's Sketch #1

Greetings, fellow hippos! Some animal exercises + playing with markers. No hippopotami, this time around, but patience is a virtue. Enjoy!

Joe's Sketch #6

Sketches from today. Went pen/marker, this time around. Otherwise, just wanted to use that metallic silver sharpie on, mission accomplished. Over and out.

Joe's Sketch #5

Last Sunday's sketches...a bit late, but still here. Just some random panel ideas. Most panels have nothing to do with any of the others. So, don't try and make any sort of connection, or you may be driven insane. That is all. Traveling back in time, here are last week's sketches.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Joe's Spice Induced De-evolution

So, this past week, I tried to tackle San Antonio's Four Horsemen burger. I failed miserably, & hurt for two days afterwards. Anyway, here's a brief sketch-up of my experience.

p.s. I do NOT recommend this to anyway. Save your colon the trouble, unless you're fond of crapping lava.

Joe's Sketch #4

Hello again, fellow potamuses. Kind of a mixed bag, this week. Got random cartoon sketches of myself & Shaddai, as well as a Poison Ivy, zombie Lincoln, live action Alvin, some guy crawling around, & a Freebird burrito. Not much else to say about the previously mentioned, enjoy!