Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shaddai's Sketch #5

I've got "Mad Men" fever, so I drew based on that time period. I hope to learn how to draw the actual 50s/60s Style. Lastly, portraits of my Hairy Babies. Kaylee, she's my eldest and a beautiful white American Bulldog; Maya, she's such a ham of a Welsh Corgi; Sirius, my handsome baby boy, half Chihuahua half Rat Terrier.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shaddai's Sketch #3

A little message from my heart, and 3 entertaining girls I had the privilege of baby sitting this summer.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Post number 4

Hello everyone! Here is a drawing I did at sketchopotamus and some select drawings I made during my life drawing class.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Joe's Sketch #8

Inside jokes are fun!

Shaddai's Sketch #2

Continuing my new found discovery of Brush Markers & Coloring like a Child, I present to you my funny pictures. Some you will see are dated from last month, it's to help me document events in my life. Enjoy!Add Image